<aside> Tone’s Sales Tool provides three main views for managing and analyzing sales data:

Keep reading to learn more about each view!


After logging in, navigate to the Sales page. In this part of the app, you can flip through 3 different views of your sales data:

File List

This is your main hub for all original sales information. It displays your sales files in chronological order based on upload date.

On this tab, you can:

  1. Upload new sales files
  2. Assign a Source and Report date to each file. Note: Both are required to see that file on the Timeline View and Sales Explorer.
  3. See file statuses:
    1. Needs info: Missing required information to process the file
    2. Processing: Tone is analyzing the file
    3. Pending reply: Tone has processed the file and awaits your approval for royalty processing
    4. Under review: Tone couldn't process the file—an expert is reviewing it
    5. Rejected: You declined to use the file for royalty processing
  4. Download the original sales file

Sales Uploading.gif

Timeline Grid

This shows all your sales files organized by Source and Report date . Use this view to spot patterns and trends across your sources, and notice when sales data is missing from Tone.


Sales Explorer

This shows all the data within your sales files aggregated into filterable charts and tables. Use this view to explore your normalized and processed sales data to gain insights across certain dimensions like territory, platform, or artist.

The Sales Explorer displays all available sales data by default. Using the filters at the top of the page, you can refine the charts and tables using any combination of criteria. For example, when you select multiple artists, the Sales Explorer combines their data. Adding another filter—such as Platform: Spotify—then shows only Spotify data for those selected artists. Think of it this way: selecting multiple values within one filter expands your data, while adding different types of filters narrows it down.

Use the breakdown options on the right-hand side of the page to view Sales Explorer data from more granular perspectives: artists, tracks, territories, and platforms.

Sales Explorer Video.mp4