Once you’ve delivered all of the royalties data for your upcoming period, Tone will process the period and generate royalty statements for you to review. Once this is done, you’ll receive an email letting you know that a period is ready for your review.
Below, we’ve outlined the steps we recommend when you’re ready to review your royalty period and publish the royalty statements for your artists!
You may see more than one period in your Ready to action section, so make sure you’re selecting the period you want to review. Any periods pending approval should have a Review button that you can click on. Periods that have been approved already will have a Create a payout button, indicating that funding the period is the next step to take.
Each royalty period in Tone shows you the Sales, Advances, and Expenses included. Take a moment to review each of these sections and ensure everything looks right to you! We recommend asking the following questions:
By clicking on “Statements Generated” under “Royalty Statements” you can see a list of all the statements included in this period, as well as a summary of the math we used to get to the closing balance.
By clicking on any of the statements, you can see a more detailed view of the statement including recoupment status, transactions like advances, sales highlights, and a more-detailed sales breakdown. We recommend spot-checking a few statements to make sure the results are what you expect!
If you’d like, you can use the “Download statements” dropdown to download a Statement Summary Report or all statement details in a zip file.
By clicking on “Royalties Due”, you’ll be able to see a list of all the contracts that have positive statement balances in this period. Here, you can filter payable payees by contract or recipient, and you can export the whole list as an excel.
<aside> <img src="/icons/star_red.svg" alt="/icons/star_red.svg" width="40px" /> Note: You are not obligated to pay out any royalties due when you publish this period. With Tone, you control who, what, and when you pay.
If you’ve approved a period in Tone before, you’ll have more data in the system and additional items you could spot check (these steps won’t apply if you haven’t run a period in Tone before).