
  1. Navigate to the “Royalties” tab in Tone and select the period that is ready to review (in the “Ready to action” section).
  2. Navigate to “Sales” to review the sales included in this period. We recommend confirming that the total sales included sounds reasonable to you!
  3. Then, browse between the Artist Track Platform and Territories tabs to see the period’s sales amount broken down by each dimension.
    1. We recommend looking up your VIP artists and hottest tracks to make sure their total sales match your expectations.
    2. You can also check to confirm that all sales sources or platforms are represented.
    3. If you processed a previous royalty period in Tone, you can refer to a closed period to compare sales amounts. Navigate to “Royalties” and click into the “Closed” section underneath “Ready to Action”. Open any closed period to inspect the Sales amounts.
  4. If you need to make any changes, click “Request a correction” and let us know what needs to be updated!