<aside> <img src="/icons/push-pin_red.svg" alt="/icons/push-pin_red.svg" width="40px" />

Why This Matters: Tone scans all sales files to make sure every penny maps to a track in your catalog. Income that doesn’t match to anything in your catalog cannot be processed and paid out to artists. Keep your Tone catalog up-to-date with your latest releases to minimize invalid or unreported sales.


Review the Unreported Sales Report sent by your Tone Royalty Expert:

The best way to ensure your catalog is up-to-date for an upcoming period is to resolve any unreported sales identified by your dedicated royalties expert. If any missing catalog or contracts were identified by our team, they will have reached out via email, asking you to add submit the data in Tone. We recommend that you resolve these missing items before you publish a statement to ensure that all sales are included in the period.

You can also review your catalog in the Sales section of the royalty period:


  1. Navigate to “Royalties”.
  2. Select the period that is ready to review (in the “Ready to action” section).
  3. Double-check that the “Sales” tile is highlighted in purple.
  4. In the Track dimension, you can see the top-grossing tracks. Plus, all of the tracks with sales in this period will be listed in a table underneath. We recommend spot-checking the list for newly-added catalog or catalog you expect to be high-performing.

Or you can review the Contracts & Catalog tool:


  1. Navigate to “Contracts & Catalog”
  2. In the “Catalog” section, you can find all of the tracks and releases you’ve submitted to Tone. Anything tinted green with a status of “In Use” is currently being included in your royalty periods.
  3. By navigating to either “Add tracks” or “Add releases” you can review the list of catalog you’ve entered.
    1. You can scroll through the list, use the “Go to last row” button to jump to unsubmitted catalog, or use the search bar to find specific pieces of catalog.
    2. Click on any “Details” button to see data related to that catalog, as well as linked catalog or contracts.
  4. If you released new music that should be included in your royalty period, we recommend spot-checking to verify that any new music has been submitted and is marked as “In Use”.
    1. Unsubmitted catalog will be white in the Tone app. You will need to click the “Submit” button at the end of the row in order to have our team include this catalog in a royalty period. Catalog that has been submitted already will be green (In Use) or purple (In Review).

<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_red.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_red.svg" width="40px" /> If you have any additional questions please reach out to your dedicated Royalties Expert.
