We know royalty statements can be confusing, so we want to simplify them for you. However, if you’re still not sure about anything after reading this, please feel free to reach out to [email protected] and we can provide as much clarification as you need.

What exactly does “Opening Balance” mean?

This is your closing balance from the previous statement. If this is an inception to date royalty period (meaning your first statement with your label), that is why the balance is $0.


What are Transfers?

The collaborator’s share of the royalty income. For example, if another contract’s income or costs are crossed with this one, like another featured artist, those transactions are summarized here. Details of the transfers are displayed further down in the statement.


What is “Your share of Net Profit Deal”?

If your contract includes a Net Profit share, this will be your income with the royalty rate percentage of your net profit share deal applied:


A summary of the Net Profit deal will also be displayed further down the statement, as pictured:


What is my Digital Income?

This is the contract’s share of the digital income earned this period.


How much will I actually receive?

The New Balance is the amount that you will actually receive from this statement. If the balance is negative, the contract has not yet recouped and therefore no payment will be due.


What time period is this for?